Vocabulary Enrich

Vocabulary Enrich

Aboriginal- Refers to the original inhabitants of Canada and includes: Inuit, Metis and First Nations.

Inuit- Culturally similar indigenous people inhabiting the Arctic regions of Canada.

Metis- Aboriginals who have traces of European and First Nations blood. European heritage is typically French or Scottish.

First Nations- Communities of Aboriginals people who identify themselves as distinct cultural groups, who are the descendants of the original inhabitants of Canada and are neither Inuit nor Metis,

Indian- An inaccurate name for Aboriginals of North and South America. It is also the legally correct term to describe First nations in Canada.

Band- a group of people living together on an Indian Reserve; similar to tribes.

Clan- A group of people inside a Band

Indian Reserve Specified by the Indian Act as a piece of land is titled to First Nations.

Indian Act 1876- The Act of Parliament which governs First Nations people in Canada.

Assimilation To adopt the ways of a new culture. Similar to hegemony.

Colonization- The process of establishing control over a country.

Appropriations- Act of taking or using something that is unfair

Matrilineal- Lineage is transferred through the mother’s side of the family

Patrilineal- Lineage is transferred through the father’s side of the family.

Oral Tradition- law transferred orally from one generation to the next.

This is from Socials 10 lecture.

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